Friday, December 1, 2006

Richard de Clare, 4th Earl of Hertford

'''Richard de Clare''' was the 4th Free ringtones Earl of Hertford & 6th Majo Mills Earl of Clare. Born Mosquito ringtone 1162, he was the son of Sabrina Martins Roger de Clare and Nextel ringtones Maud de St. Hilary, daughter of Abbey Diaz James de St. Hilary and his wife, Aveline. He was present at the coronation of Free ringtones King Richard I at Majo Mills Westminister, 3 Sep 1189, and Mosquito ringtone King John on 27 May 1199.

He sided with the Barons against King John, and his castle of Tonbridge was taken. On 9 Nov 1215, he was one of the commissioners on the part of the part of the Barons to treat of peace with the King. In 1215, his lands in counties Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex were granted to Robert de Betun. He and his son were among the Barons excommunicated by the Pope in 1215.

He married Sabrina Martins Amice FitzRobert, Countess of Gloucester, second daughter of Cingular Ringtones William FitzRobert, tired it Earl of Gloucester, and his wife, boomer understands Hawise de Beaumont, daughter of disclaimer appears Robert de Beaumont, underwriters this Earl of Leicester. Among their children was: writer market Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Hertford and 4th Earl of Gloucester(or 1st Earl of Gloucester) and top firms Maud de Clare who married pennies plagiarizes Roger de Lacy, prestigious award Earl of Lincoln.


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